The leading Dutch real estate partner.

About us

We are Amsterdam real estate specialists bringing together local market knowledge, experience and capital. Our commitment is to help shape the future of how we work and live by understanding the local market and putting the needs of our customers first. With over 30 years of high-profile Dutch real estate experience, we're here to stay in creating the places of today and tomorrow. 


We create spaces that bring people together; creating connection, stimulating productivity and benefitting well-being. With a commitment to sustainability leadership, we improve our energy efficiency and minimise our footprint by reducing, adapting and reusing materials to enable all of our customers to work in an environment that contributes to a more a sustainable future for all. We work together with all our stakeholders to drive true partnerships that generate customer satisfaction, strong returns and long-term value.

Our Approach

Our strategy is designed to anticipate the evolving needs of our customers. Our five pillars reflect our commitment to creating sustainable spaces that enable productivity and long-term growth while staying ahead in a dynamic real estate landscape.

We enable productivity and growth by putting the needs of our customers first. At NSI, a great office with the best amenities, services and sustainability credentials is a given. We have a strong vision on the future of work, as reflected by our own in-house flex operator, HNK, which serves as an incubator for new services across the NSI portfolio.

As the capital city and main economic hub of the Netherlands, Amsterdam offers our tenants unparalleled access to talent and capital. Being the biggest individual owner of office buildings in Amsterdam, we have extensive local market knowledge and can match our customers with the space that fits them best. Aside from Amsterdam we also selectively invest in the best locations in other major cities in the Netherlands.

In addition to a strong core of 37 office assets, we also invest in Life Science real estate, and we see significant long-term potential for residential redevelopment within our portfolio. While office buildings are the core of our business, we are flexible and willing to pursue opportunities elsewhere if attractive.

Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to a long-term goal of becoming Paris Proof by 2035 and already have made significant steps in this direction. Today, 96% of the portfolio is rated EPC label A or better and 76% is labelled BREEAM-NL ‘Very Good’ or ‘Excellent’. In 2024, we achieved a five-star rating (93 points) by GRESB and were ranked fourth out of more than 100 listed real estate firms on sustainability in Europe.

Growth is key to continue to offer our customers an attractive mix of high-quality places in the best locations. By pursuing calculated growth, we build a future-proof business that delivers sustainable returns to our shareholders.


The leadership of our company is in the hands of Bernd Stahli (CEO) and Elke Snijder (CFO). Together, they form the Management Board.

They have laid the foundation for a long-term sustainable strategy, and are responsible for its execution to generate customer satisfaction and long-term value for shareholders. The Management Board leads a team of over 45 driven and dedicated professionals who bring extensive knowledge of the local market, development, asset management, and customer excellence. The Management Board is advised and monitored by the Supervisory Board.

The Management Board

Bernd Stahli

Chief Executive Officer

Bernd Stahli joined NSI in September 2016 as Chief Executive Officer. Under his leadership, NSI has formulated a new strategy, restructured the organisation, transacted over 100 buildings, acquired better buildings in the right locations, and made significant strides in sustainability and customer excellence.

Bernd has extensive knowledge and experience in capital and investment markets within the national and international real estate sector. He held various positions at international financial institutions, most recently at merchant bank van Lanschot Kempen, where he served as Managing Director of Securities – European Real Estate from 2013.

His previous roles include Head of European Property Securities Research at Bank of America Merrill Lynch in London. Bernd holds a master's degree in economics from the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.

Elke Snijder

Chief Financial Officer

Elke Snijder joined NSI in May 2024 as Chief Financial Officer. She brings extensive expertise in finance, management, and real estate. Prior to this role, she was CFO at Landal GreenParks, one of the biggest bungalow park companies in Europe.

She held various management positions within ING (Real Estate), both on the business side and within Finance. Elke holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of California, Berkeley, a master's degree in business economics from the University of Groningen, and an executive master in finance & control from Nyenrode.